
How To Advertise My Masonry Business

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twenty Proven Methods to Market place a Structure Business organisation

Every construction business exists because of 1 thing.


And acquirement is the effect of a powerful sales procedure and proven marketing tactics.

So here are 20 battle-tested means to marketplace a construction business that will lead you lot to more success for your construction company.

As a side a note: nosotros specialize in estimating projects for busy contractors . If yous always demand aid estimating projects, we can prepare your unabridged estimate and bid for you and we tin can walk yous through all strategies to help you close. Learn more almost our estimating service for Contractors and Subcontractors.

1. Craft a Direct Message to Your Platonic Customer

To first, it's important to sympathize who your target audition is and how to arts and crafts an overall message that will reach them.

Permit's chop it up into 3 steps:

  • Define your target audience
  • Craft a message for them
  • Brand sure they see the message

Define Your Target Audience

What trades practise you lot specialize in? Are yous a i-human GC? Are you a drywall visitor with ten people in your role? Do you unremarkably work in residential or commercial?

Answer those questions and figure your own organization out first. Next, paint a film on who your dream client is. How old are they? How big is their company?

Get as specific as possible. Once you have your dream client in mind, y'all take your target audition. A target audience is a collection of your dream clients.

Craft a Message for Your Target Audience

So at present you accept your target audience, and the next step is to tap into their desires and speak to them.

What does your dream client want? What do they want to hear? What practice they struggle with almost every single mean solar day? Once yous know the answers to all those questions and ones like, you have all the fuel y'all demand to craft a bulletin.

"Crafting a message for an audience" is more than than only what to write in a promo flyer. It'southward your entire brand. It's what you're all about.

Allow'south illustrate an example so y'all can better sympathize.

You're a GC trying to do big commercial jobs in the city. Later on speaking with developers in your surface area you lot offset to realize that the biggest problem they deal with is GCs not having budgetary pricing without final drawings. Armed with this info, yous fix some Facebook ads targeting developers and people working in real estate development companies and you give a sales pitch on how much better you could approximate projects.

That's a message for a specific audience.

Make Certain They Get the Message

Once you create the bulletin you need to brand sure your target audition receives it. To make sure of this you get-go need to run across where their attending is. Virtually contractors briefly check their phone on the chore site occasionally, and they're mostly on e-mail or Facebook. Because of this, if you desire to target contractors information technology makes sense to target them on Facebook and Electronic mail.

See what has their attention and make a presence at that place.

ii. Build a Content Creation Squad

The business globe is evolving very rapidly into a dynamic where the people who succeed are the ones putting the most content out into the world and occupying people's attention.

Every bit a construction business concern, it'southward essential you create and distribute content to attract attention. In other words, you must create and mail service a lot of content on the internet so you tin can get a reputation that encourages people to view you as the go-to contractor.

Unless yous're an experienced content creator, it'd be wise to hire a team or to outsource the task entirely. If you're going to proceed information technology in-house you lot're going to need these 4 roles:

  • Written word person (Editorial Direction)
  • Math person (Data Analyst/Strategist)
  • Video person (Video Content)
  • Art person (Designer)

Go on in mind these don't accept to be four different people, it can be ane person satisfying all 4 roles, 2 people with 2 roles each. As long as all iv roles are satisfied.

If you don't actually sympathise anything to a higher place, and then information technology's a proficient sign you should probably rent a marketing agency to aid you out. Check out #12 on this article nearly social media for home builders for help on how to hire one.

3. Post Content on Facebook

Once you take your squad, agency, or yourself situated and ready to start producing content, it's time to go difficult on the platforms your potential clients are on.

Co-ordinate to the Pew Research Eye, 69% of U.S. adults utilize Facebook, and many of those are contractors and homeowners who tin potentially be people that give you piece of work, and so it only makes sense to set on your marketing on this platform.

Make a list of the unlike types of content y'all desire to postal service, this will exist your guide to having a solid, predictable brand that people can look, and also not having to think so difficult on what to mail service. This is called a content type planner.

An instance content type planner for a construction company could be:

  • Video's giving communication to other contractors/homeowners
  • Quotes from videos
  • Examples of finished work
  • Videos of projects being worked on

This is entirely personal and up to yous, but the higher up content type planner should give you a caput start on thinking of what to mail.

iv. Post Content on Instagram

Just like with the content type planner in a higher place, y'all're going to want to make something like for Instagram, if non the same thing.

Once you have a planner detailing all the unlike types of content that you're going to publish, it's time to execute and put stuff out to the world.

Think that if you're having trouble with social media, don't be afraid to rent a team or to outsource social media management to an bureau. It may exist pricy, but the make it will build will be worth it.

5. Mail Content on LinkedIn

If you lot're a commercial contractor, LinkedIn should be the platform you're going the hardest at. There's great organic reach on the platform which means that if yous post things consistently there's a great chance a lot of people are going to encounter information technology.

Nigh people who take never used social media for their business organisation tense upwardly when it's mentioned, they don't know how to brand their way into the community or how to go started. Our advice is to but kickoff.

Make a list of ideas for posts and just first posting, as you go more than experience it will flow more than easily to you. If yous don't have the time to set on your content creating, rent people to practice information technology for you. Invest in your make and reap the benefits for years to come.

six. Hire an Estimating House

Nearly contractors work lx+ hours a week. They just don't have the time to focus on marketing and branding.

Truthfully, if you want to grow your construction business, you'll need to exist the head of sales at your company and delegate everything else.

I of the biggest thing'south contractors have in the fashion of freeing up their time is the estimating and behest process in order to win jobs. They don't accept the time to be in the office and measure takeoffs and price everything. Nosotros know this, that'southward why nosotros offering an estimating service that completely takes it off your hands and so you can focus on what really matters for your business organisation,

Generating revenue.

7. Attract Leads with a Lead Magnet

This tin can nearly instantly blow upwardly a construction business, especially if you lot work by and large in the residential sector.

A lead magnet is a free offer for something that collects contact information to somewhen sell your services.

For example, a painting contractor who mainly works on residential remodeling jobs may offer a special video grooming "How to Remodel Your Dwelling on a Upkeep", that people can come across only later they've given abroad their electronic mail accost.

That's a very simple and effective mode to collect emails.

eight. Promote Content through Weekly Email

In one case yous accept a listing of emails from your lead magnet, or you have a list from a paid lead generation service, information technology's fourth dimension to drag your brand.

Go the content you've been posting on social media and promote it on your email to become more attending and build more legitimacy for your company.

This can be as elementary as attaching the link to your LinkedIn along with a compelling reason why people should check out your folio.

The main reason for this is to consistently become in front of your potential client and give real value and found say-so so that when the time comes and they have a project for you, they'll give you a call.

ix. Send Sales Pitches through Email

Whether you merely collected a prospect'south electronic mail or accept a list of emails in your database already, information technology helps to occasionally offer your assist.

Just a uncomplicated "Hey John, have any projects you need some help on?" can generate a lot of interest in your company.

Plus, the genuine approach to trying to get projects gives you a solid reputation equally a dependable, reliable contractor.

That reputation gives a massive boost to all your marketing and sales efforts.

10. Gear up Electronic mail Sequence for Potential Clients

When someone opts-in for your lead magnet, the adjacent step is for them to get a strategic gear up of emails that all serve the purpose of furthering your human relationship with the customer so they tin can know, similar, and trust you.

Here's what that can await like for a home builder appealing to newly married couples:

Email #1 – Give video detailing what to expect in the abode buying process.

Email #2 – Detail how to save money when buying a domicile

Electronic mail #3 – Invite to cheque out your social media page

Email #4 – Sales pitch

That's merely an example, but it's to introduce a concept that might be strange to you.

But in case you demand it, here's some more than info on how to make more money as a dwelling architect.

eleven. Visit Your S12C Once a Month

A Select 12 Cluster (S12C) is a strategy where you create a list of your 12 dream clients and you focus most of your effort into developing relationships with them and working with them on projects.

It's a strategy that brings a predictable and steady stream of projects to you and your organization.

To market your construction business organisation ameliorate, information technology would definitely pay to invest some fourth dimension to visit everyone in your S12C list at least one time or twice a month.

12. Enquire for Referrals

This i is very unproblematic, afterward y'all complete a project that y'all know you did a practiced job on, don't shy away from asking if they know a developer or GC who has some projects they're fixing to work on.

Sometimes the action of simply asking for extra work could atomic number 82 to astonishing opportunities you would've missed out on if you'd have never inquired virtually it.

13. Go All-in on Local SEO

Local SEO is what happens when you expect upward something location-specific on Google.

Exhibit A:

local seo example

As yous can imagine, being on that list would get yous a lot of exposure and bring a lot of legitimacy to your company.

Without getting too technical, the master affair you demand to exist ranked upwardly there is for Google to approve of your page and consider you a better website than the contest.

The way to make that happen is by getting people to vouch for your website and add links to it on their website. And then in other words, the website with more links to it gets ranked higher on Google.

Of course, at that place are a million other things to information technology, but that's all you really need to know because the easiest mode y'all can rank college for Local SEO is by hiring experts on freelance sites like Fiverr or Upwork. Just a quick search of "local SEO services" will give yous a huge listing of people itchy to help y'all for more than affordable prices.

14. Invest in Lead Generation Services

One of the best, if not the best, ways to predictably go leads to your construction business organisation is by investing in services that specialize in exactly that.

Sites like Bluebook and iSqft are known to exist able to get any construction visitor off the ground and introducing them to potential clients in their area.

Here's more info on the peak 5 atomic number 82 generation sites, in case you're interested.

15. Phone call Past Clients on a Specific Schedule

Keep a database of all your by clients you've ever worked with and give them a follow up email a couple weeks or months after the project is over, request how they're doing and if they have whatever other projects they'd be interested in collaborating on.

You'd be surprised how many contractors can secure more than work only from following upwardly with past clients and showing how much they genuinely care virtually their visitor.

Plus, this establishes a human relationship in the industry where yous can position yourself equally the go-to for a contractor in your area, which is a win-win for both parties.

That's the existent prize here.

16. Build an Advertizing Squad

The goal of marketing a construction business is having a lot of attention on your brand, and then having a powerful brand that inspires people to come to you for work.

Having content on the Cyberspace helps that goal come to life, but information technology isn't enough.

Everyone that would be interested in engaging with your content should receive ads that invite them to encounter your content and eventually hire you for your services.

Like to content creation, you tin either build a team, do it yourself, or hire an advertising agency to handle it for you.

If yous wish to build an advertising team, here'south who you'll demand:

  • Online Entrada Managing director
  • Artistic Managing director

An online campaign manager is in charge of the paid advertising management, they oversee the social media advertising backend and they also handle the copywriting and video scripts for ads.

The creative director oversees the designing of the advertisements or the videos and decides the overall direction of the company make.

If you want to go full-scale assault mode and calibration your marketing efforts fast, then hire an advertising and content cosmos team. Nonetheless, it's recommended y'all hire an agency to help yous then it's non as heavy on your schedule and you don't have equally much overhead.

There are pros and cons with either route, but in the stop, it's your phone call.

17. Run Ad on Facebook (Residential)

For contracting businesses focused primarily on residential projects, get your advertising team or your hired marketing agency on the phone and program out an advertizement entrada on Facebook. Somewhen, they'll probably conclude that you need a sales funnel.

A funnel is a sequence of ads to encourage a specific result.

There are many other businesses out there running complex, long funnels but for residential contractors, information technology's best to employ a uncomplicated 2-step sequence of ads:

  • The first ad to offering a lead magnet in commutation for contact info
  • And and then the second ad is a follow-upward with a sales pitch to everyone interested in your services.

These ads are followed upward with quality emails once every week then you're e'er in front of potential clients.

18. Run Advertising on LinkedIn (Commercial)

In the commercial sector, you're going to be marketing to other contractors, developers, and architects. And if there's any social media platform that can give you a huge clamper of business, it'southward LinkedIn.

This is the platform to constantly be networking with other structure professionals and posting valuable content to requite yourself more than authorisation and make your company stand out. That's what we addressed in #5 on this list.

But if y'all want to get even more exposure, I recommend taking your best content and making it an advertizing targeting anybody in the structure industry in your area. The goal is to have content on the platform and then have specific posts to promote as an invitation to see the residue of your content.

The "value-in-accelerate" approach can take multiple forms, only when it comes to LinkedIn information technology'south all near giving the best advice and having a great reputation around that.

The truth that many smaller contractors don't really understand is that but having content on social media tin lead to winning many more bids considering it makes your company appear to be more than professional person and legitimate.

19. Create an Authoritative Website

Having a well-designed website is such an underrated aspect of having a business. A website is ane of the core pieces of your marketing.

Don't be afraid to invest in spider web designers to give you a great website so you lot can appear more legitimate and professional. A smashing website and some local SEO (encounter tip #13) can effect in a lot of concern.

20. Build an Audience on Social Media

This is very uncomplicated but definitely not to be disregarded.

If you follow the methods in this commodity, you'll likely be posting some content presently, merely without an audience, you're probably not going to become anywhere.

If you're on LinkedIn (which yous should be), I recommend doing some heavy networking.

Get on LinkedIn and click on the search bar near the top of the screen.

Click on people, so on "All Filters". You lot should get this screen if yous're on a computer.

linkedin search result filters

And this one if you're on your phone.

linkedin mobile search filter

And then, just arrange information technology to bear witness people in your area, people in the construction industry, and whatsoever else you prefer.

Next, just go through the long list of profiles and connect with people yous're interested in working with in the future.

IMPORTANT: Be careful you don't invite too many people so soon; LinkedIn penalizes you lot if yous connect with besides many people without warming up your business relationship. 25-thirty people a twenty-four hours is a good get-go.

You can do similar strategies on Instagram and Facebook as well. The goal is to build a positive network of people who will genuinely appoint with your content.


This is a mod approach to marketing a construction business, in that location are many other methods and strategies out in that location, simply these are the virtually standout, battle-tested methods that can bring whatever structure business from a 1-man company to needing an entire office floor to accommodate all employees.

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Every structure business organisation exists because of 1 matter.


And revenue is the event of a powerful sales procedure and proven marketing tactics.

So here are twenty boxing-tested means to market place a construction concern that will pb you lot to more success for your structure visitor.

As a side a annotation: nosotros specialize in estimating projects for decorated contractors . If you lot ever need help estimating projects, we tin fix your entire estimate and bid for y'all and we tin walk you through all strategies to aid you shut. Larn more than nigh our estimating service for Contractors and Subcontractors.

1. Craft a Direct Message to Your Ideal Client

To start, it's important to understand who your target audience is and how to craft an overall bulletin that will reach them.

Let's chop information technology up into 3 steps:

  • Define your target audition
  • Craft a message for them
  • Make certain they run into the bulletin

Define Your Target Audition

What trades practise you specialize in? Are you a one-man GC? Are you a drywall company with 10 people in your office? Do you commonly work in residential or commercial?

Answer those questions and figure your ain arrangement out first. Adjacent, paint a picture on who your dream client is. How old are they? How large is their company?

Get as specific as possible. In one case you have your dream customer in mind, you have your target audition. A target audience is a collection of your dream clients.

Craft a Message for Your Target Audience

And so at present you accept your target audience, and the adjacent pace is to tap into their desires and speak to them.

What does your dream client want? What exercise they want to hear? What practice they struggle with almost every single day? Once you know the answers to all those questions and ones similar, y'all have all the fuel you need to craft a message.

"Crafting a bulletin for an audience" is more than than just what to write in a promo flyer. Information technology's your unabridged make. It's what you're all about.

Let's illustrate an example so you can better understand.

You lot're a GC trying to do big commercial jobs in the urban center. Afterwards speaking with developers in your area y'all start to realize that the biggest problem they deal with is GCs non having monetary pricing without final drawings. Armed with this info, you set up some Facebook ads targeting developers and people working in existent manor development companies and you give a sales pitch on how much better yous could estimate projects.

That'due south a message for a specific audience.

Make Sure They Get the Bulletin

Once you create the message you need to make sure your target audience receives it. To make sure of this you first demand to see where their attention is. Most contractors briefly check their phone on the job site occasionally, and they're generally on email or Facebook. Because of this, if you lot desire to target contractors information technology makes sense to target them on Facebook and E-mail.

Meet what has their attention and brand a presence there.

ii. Build a Content Creation Team

The business world is evolving very rapidly into a dynamic where the people who succeed are the ones putting the most content out into the earth and occupying people's attending.

As a construction business, information technology'due south essential you create and distribute content to attract attention. In other words, you must create and post a lot of content on the internet so you can become a reputation that encourages people to view you equally the become-to contractor.

Unless you're an experienced content creator, information technology'd be wise to hire a team or to outsource the chore entirely. If yous're going to keep it in-firm you're going to demand these 4 roles:

  • Written word person (Editorial Management)
  • Math person (Information Annotator/Strategist)
  • Video person (Video Content)
  • Fine art person (Designer)

Keep in mind these don't have to be iv different people, it can exist 1 person satisfying all 4 roles, 2 people with 2 roles each. As long as all 4 roles are satisfied.

If you don't really sympathize anything above, and then it'due south a good sign y'all should probably hire a marketing agency to assistance you out. Check out #12 on this article nigh social media for home builders for help on how to hire one.

3. Post Content on Facebook

Once you have your team, agency, or yourself situated and prepare to showtime producing content, it'due south time to go hard on the platforms your potential clients are on.

According to the Pew Inquiry Middle, 69% of U.Southward. adults utilise Facebook, and many of those are contractors and homeowners who can potentially be people that give yous work, and then it just makes sense to attack your marketing on this platform.

Make a list of the different types of content you want to post, this will exist your guide to having a solid, predictable make that people tin expect, and also non having to think so difficult on what to post. This is called a content blazon planner.

An example content type planner for a construction company could be:

  • Video'southward giving advice to other contractors/homeowners
  • Quotes from videos
  • Examples of finished work
  • Videos of projects existence worked on

This is entirely personal and up to y'all, but the above content blazon planner should give you a head start on thinking of what to post.

4. Post Content on Instagram

Just similar with the content type planner above, you're going to want to make something like for Instagram, if not the same affair.

Once you lot have a planner detailing all the dissimilar types of content that you lot're going to publish, it'due south fourth dimension to execute and put stuff out to the world.

Remember that if you're having trouble with social media, don't be afraid to hire a team or to outsource social media management to an agency. Information technology may be pricy, but the brand it will build will be worth information technology.

5. Post Content on LinkedIn

If you lot're a commercial contractor, LinkedIn should be the platform yous're going the hardest at. There'south bang-up organic reach on the platform which means that if yous mail service things consistently there's a corking chance a lot of people are going to see information technology.

Nearly people who have never used social media for their business concern tense up when it's mentioned, they don't know how to make their way into the community or how to become started. Our advice is to just start.

Make a list of ideas for posts and but start posting, equally yous go more experience it volition menses more hands to you. If you don't have the fourth dimension to attack your content creating, rent people to do information technology for y'all. Invest in your make and reap the benefits for years to come.

6. Hire an Estimating Firm

Most contractors work 60+ hours a week. They merely don't have the time to focus on marketing and branding.

Truthfully, if yous desire to grow your construction business, you'll demand to exist the caput of sales at your company and delegate everything else.

One of the biggest thing's contractors have in the way of freeing up their time is the estimating and bidding procedure in order to win jobs. They don't accept the time to be in the function and measure takeoffs and price everything. We know this, that's why we offer an estimating service that completely takes it off your hands so you tin can focus on what actually matters for your business organisation,

Generating acquirement.

7. Attract Leads with a Lead Magnet

This can almost instantly blow up a construction business, specially if you piece of work generally in the residential sector.

A lead magnet is a free offering for something that collects contact information to eventually sell your services.

For example, a painting contractor who mainly works on residential remodeling jobs may offer a special video training "How to Remodel Your Home on a Budget", that people tin encounter but after they've given away their email address.

That'southward a very unproblematic and effective way to collect emails.

8. Promote Content through Weekly Email

One time you take a list of emails from your lead magnet, or you have a list from a paid pb generation service, it's fourth dimension to drag your brand.

Get the content you've been posting on social media and promote it on your email to get more attending and build more legitimacy for your company.

This can be as simple equally attaching the link to your LinkedIn along with a compelling reason why people should cheque out your folio.

The main reason for this is to consistently get in front of your potential client and requite real value and establish authority so that when the time comes and they accept a projection for yous, they'll give you a call.

ix. Transport Sales Pitches through Electronic mail

Whether you merely collected a prospect's email or accept a list of emails in your database already, it helps to occasionally offer your help.

Just a simple "Hey John, have any projects yous need some assist on?" can generate a lot of interest in your company.

Plus, the genuine approach to trying to go projects gives you a solid reputation equally a dependable, reliable contractor.

That reputation gives a massive heave to all your marketing and sales efforts.

10. Set up Electronic mail Sequence for Potential Clients

When someone opts-in for your pb magnet, the adjacent pace is for them to become a strategic fix of emails that all serve the purpose of furthering your human relationship with the customer and so they tin know, like, and trust yous.

Hither'southward what that tin wait like for a habitation builder appealing to newly married couples:

E-mail #1 – Give video detailing what to expect in the home buying process.

Electronic mail #2 – Item how to salve money when buying a home

Email #3 – Invite to check out your social media page

Electronic mail #four – Sales pitch

That'due south just an example, but it's to introduce a concept that might be strange to you.

Just in case you need it, here'due south some more info on how to make more than money equally a home architect.

11. Visit Your S12C Once a Month

A Select 12 Cluster (S12C) is a strategy where you create a listing of your 12 dream clients and you focus most of your endeavor into developing relationships with them and working with them on projects.

It'south a strategy that brings a predictable and steady stream of projects to you and your organization.

To marketplace your construction business better, it would definitely pay to invest some fourth dimension to visit everyone in your S12C listing at least once or twice a month.

12. Ask for Referrals

This one is very unproblematic, after you complete a project that you know yous did a skilful task on, don't shy abroad from request if they know a developer or GC who has some projects they're fixing to work on.

Sometimes the action of simply asking for extra work could atomic number 82 to amazing opportunities you would've missed out on if you'd have never inquired near it.

13. Go All-in on Local SEO

Local SEO is what happens when you look upwards something location-specific on Google.

Exhibit A:

local seo example

As you can imagine, being on that list would get you a lot of exposure and bring a lot of legitimacy to your company.

Without getting too technical, the main thing you need to be ranked up there is for Google to approve of your page and consider you a better website than the competition.

The style to make that happen is by getting people to vouch for your website and add together links to it on their website. And then in other words, the website with more links to it gets ranked higher on Google.

Of course, there are a one thousand thousand other things to it, just that'south all you really need to know because the easiest way you lot can rank college for Local SEO is by hiring experts on freelance sites like Fiverr or Upwork. Just a quick search of "local SEO services" volition give you a huge list of people itchy to help yous for more than affordable prices.

14. Invest in Lead Generation Services

One of the all-time, if not the best, ways to predictably get leads to your construction business is past investing in services that specialize in exactly that.

Sites like Bluebook and iSqft are known to be able to get any construction company off the ground and introducing them to potential clients in their area.

Here's more info on the elevation 5 lead generation sites, in instance you lot're interested.

xv. Phone call Past Clients on a Specific Schedule

Keep a database of all your past clients you've ever worked with and requite them a follow up email a couple weeks or months later on the project is over, request how they're doing and if they have any other projects they'd be interested in collaborating on.

You'd be surprised how many contractors can secure more than work just from following up with past clients and showing how much they genuinely care nearly their company.

Plus, this establishes a relationship in the industry where you lot tin position yourself every bit the become-to for a contractor in your area, which is a win-win for both parties.

That's the existent prize here.

16. Build an Advertising Team

The goal of marketing a construction concern is having a lot of attention on your brand, and then having a powerful brand that inspires people to come up to you lot for work.

Having content on the Cyberspace helps that goal come to life, merely it isn't enough.

Anybody that would exist interested in engaging with your content should receive ads that invite them to see your content and somewhen hire you lot for your services.

Similar to content creation, you can either build a team, do information technology yourself, or hire an advert agency to handle it for you.

If you wish to build an advertising squad, here's who you'll need:

  • Online Campaign Manager
  • Creative Managing director

An online campaign managing director is in accuse of the paid advertizing management, they oversee the social media advertising backend and they also handle the copywriting and video scripts for ads.

The artistic director oversees the designing of the advertisements or the videos and decides the overall direction of the company make.

If yous want to go full-calibration assail mode and calibration your marketing efforts fast, then hire an advertising and content creation team. However, it's recommended you hire an agency to assistance you so it's not equally heavy on your schedule and y'all don't have as much overhead.

At that place are pros and cons with either road, merely in the end, information technology's your call.

17. Run Advertisement on Facebook (Residential)

For contracting businesses focused primarily on residential projects, get your advertizing team or your hired marketing bureau on the telephone and program out an advertisement campaign on Facebook. Eventually, they'll probably conclude that you need a sales funnel.

A funnel is a sequence of ads to encourage a specific outcome.

At that place are many other businesses out there running circuitous, long funnels but for residential contractors, information technology'south best to use a simple two-pace sequence of ads:

  • The first advert to offer a lead magnet in exchange for contact info
  • And and so the second ad is a follow-upwardly with a sales pitch to everyone interested in your services.

These ads are followed up with quality emails in one case every calendar week so yous're always in forepart of potential clients.

18. Run Advertising on LinkedIn (Commercial)

In the commercial sector, you're going to be marketing to other contractors, developers, and architects. And if there's whatever social media platform that can requite you lot a huge chunk of concern, information technology's LinkedIn.

This is the platform to constantly exist networking with other structure professionals and posting valuable content to give yourself more authority and make your company stand out. That's what we addressed in #v on this list.

But if you want to get fifty-fifty more exposure, I recommend taking your best content and making it an ad targeting everyone in the construction manufacture in your area. The goal is to take content on the platform and so take specific posts to promote as an invitation to see the rest of your content.

The "value-in-advance" approach can take multiple forms, but when it comes to LinkedIn it'south all about giving the all-time advice and having a great reputation effectually that.

The truth that many smaller contractors don't really sympathise is that simply having content on social media tin lead to winning many more bids because it makes your visitor appear to be more than professional person and legitimate.

xix. Create an Authoritative Website

Having a well-designed website is such an underrated aspect of having a business. A website is 1 of the core pieces of your marketing.

Don't be afraid to invest in web designers to give y'all a great website then you can announced more legitimate and professional. A great website and some local SEO (see tip #13) tin can result in a lot of business.

20. Build an Audience on Social Media

This is very elementary just definitely not to be overlooked.

If y'all follow the methods in this article, you'll likely exist posting some content soon, but without an audience, you're probably not going to get anywhere.

If yous're on LinkedIn (which you should be), I recommend doing some heavy networking.

Keep LinkedIn and click on the search bar near the top of the screen.

Click on people, so on "All Filters". You lot should go this screen if you're on a reckoner.

linkedin search result filters

And this one if you're on your phone.

linkedin mobile search filter

Then, just arrange information technology to prove people in your area, people in the construction manufacture, and whatever else yous prefer.

Adjacent, just go through the long list of profiles and connect with people you're interested in working with in the time to come.

IMPORTANT: Be conscientious you don't invite too many people and so soon; LinkedIn penalizes you if yous connect with likewise many people without warming up your business relationship. 25-30 people a solar day is a adept start.

You can do like strategies on Instagram and Facebook as well. The goal is to build a positive network of people who will genuinely engage with your content.


This is a modern arroyo to marketing a construction business, there are many other methods and strategies out in that location, just these are the nearly standout, boxing-tested methods that tin bring whatsoever construction business organisation from a one-homo company to needing an entire office floor to adjust all employees.

I hope y'all got some great value in this piece! Feel free to comment beneath your biggest takeaway.

Remember that I AM Builders is here to help y'all estimate your projects lightning speed so you can spend more time selling the job and less time in the office measuring takeoffs. Check out our services page to see all we can exercise for you and your concern.

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